Our indus­tries

Effec­ti­ve mixing machi­nes for your indi­vi­du­al appli­ca­ti­on are­as in dif­fe­rent industries

Fin­ding a solu­ti­on to your mixing pro­blem is our goal: we deve­lop, manu­fac­tu­re, sell and ser­vice machi­nes for mixing, stir­ring, kne­a­ding and fil­ling. For effi­ci­ent pro­ces­ses in your pro­duc­tion ope­ra­ti­ons. As your relia­ble part­ners, we can suc­cessful­ly imple­ment requi­re­ments in diver­se appli­ca­ti­on areas.

For ever­y­thing from low-vis­co­si­ty to extre­me­ly high-vis­co­si­ty pro­ducts – whe­ther in the con­s­truc­tion indus­try, cos­me­tics or the che­mi­cal indus­try: we offer you top qua­li­ty and out­stan­ding ser­vice. This is what has made us a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of pro­ces­sing machi­nes and apparatuses.


Buil­ding mate­ri­als industry

Wit­hout road mar­king paint, the­re would be cha­os on our streets.

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Our mixing sys­tems are per­fect­ly sui­ted to the diver­se mix­tures of paints, plasters/renders, var­nis­hes and other mate­ri­als in the buil­ding mate­ri­als indus­try. Chan­ging for­mu­la­ti­ons and con­ti­nuous and dis­con­ti­nuous mixing can also be easi­ly hand­led. Per­fect homo­gen­ei­ty with lar­ge capa­ci­ties, i.e. throughputs.
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Sam­ple applications:
plasters/renders, adhe­si­ves, mortars, compounds

Che­mi­cal industry

Com­plex pro­ces­sing tasks have to be accom­plished in many indus­tries – for exam­p­le in the che­mi­cal indus­try, in the pro­duc­tion of fertilisers.
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Sam­ple applications:
Bat­tery mate­ri­als, cata­lyst com­pounds, lubricants
It often starts in the preparation/processing of gra­nu­les or pow­ders with tri­als in the lab and sub­se­quent sca­­le-up to pro­duc­tion sca­le. Take advan­ta­ge of our know-how in con­ti­nuous and dis­con­ti­nuous mixing and all of our pro­ces­sing solu­ti­ons for your pro­ducts.
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Den­tal industry

No new fil­lings wit­hout an impres­si­on com­pound – one exam­p­le of pro­duct pre­pa­ra­ti­on in the den­tal industry.
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In the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of den­tal mate­ri­als, high-vis­­co­­si­­ty to pla­s­tic com­pounds are often pro­ces­sed; in many cases, mix­tures of mono­mers, sta­bi­li­sers and com­pon­ents are used – all dif­fe­rent com­pon­ents with dif­fe­rent vis­co­si­ties. We also offer indus­­try-spe­ci­­fic solu­ti­ons here as well and deve­lop machi­nes accor­ding to your requi­re­ments right from the start. Give us a call and let us advi­se you.
Give us a call

Sam­ple applications:
Den­tal fil­ling mate­ri­al, fixing cement, coa­ting material

Paint and coa­ting industry

Paints and coa­tings can be found ever­y­whe­re in our ever­y­day lives, such as on food pack­a­ging, in bro­chu­res or on house walls.
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Farben in der Lackindustrie
Paints and coa­tings in the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try, coa­tings for indus­tri­al flo­ors, prin­ting for pack­a­ging mate­ri­als, wall and house paints, artists’ paints.
Whe­ther on food pack­a­ging, in bro­chu­res, or on the wall of a house, every ink and every coa­ting has its own spe­cial fea­tures during pro­duc­tion.

Most paints and coa­tings ful­fill not only deco­ra­ti­ve but also func­tion­al tasks. For exam­p­le, flo­or coa­tings not only have to pro­vi­de pro­tec­tion against wear and tear, but may also have to com­ply with hygie­ne regu­la­ti­ons or with­stand high ther­mal loads. Regard­less of whe­ther they are used in the pack­a­ging or auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try or by pro­du­cers of prin­ted cir­cuit boards: We meet every spe­ci­fic requi­re­ment that cus­to­mers have for the manu­fac­tu­re of their pro­ducts, and our indi­vi­du­al mixing machi­nes are ide­al­ly sui­ted for the pro­duc­tion of any type of coa­ting or color.

We offer the know-how for relia­ble mixing and disper­sing of pig­ments, fil­lers, addi­ti­ves and cus­­to­­mer-spe­ci­­fic formulations.

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Adhe­si­ve and sealant industry

From our smal­lest in cre­ches to a lar­ge sca­le in indus­try: adhe­si­ves and sealants are nee­ded in a wide varie­ty of industries.
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From house­hold glue to adhe­si­ves for bon­ding parts in indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion or seal­ing joints and gaps. A ple­tho­ra of dif­fe­rent adhe­si­ves and sealants exists, all com­plex for­mu­la­ti­ons that often even have to ful­fil mul­ti­ple func­tions. Vis­co­si­ty, for exam­p­le, is one of the key para­me­ters in the pre­pa­ra­ti­on and pro­ces­sing. Our but­ter­fly mixers are par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble here: the inter­play bet­ween mass acce­le­ra­ti­on and fric­tion yields the opti­mal pro­­duct-spe­ci­­fic shear rate. 
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Sam­ple applications:
In the manu­fac­tu­re of win­dows and doors, in elec­tro­nics fabri­ca­ti­on, in solar cell fabri­ca­ti­on, as clo­sure sys­tems in pack­a­ging, in auto­mo­ti­ve assem­bly, in the con­s­truc­tion indus­try, in households

Cos­me­tics industry

Creams, nail polish and sham­poo – body care and cos­me­tic pro­ducts have beco­me an inte­gral part of our dai­ly lives.
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Sam­ple applications:
Creams, sham­poo, nail polish, eye shadow, sun­screen, toothpaste
Espe­ci­al­ly here, the aspects of puri­ty and safe­ty are key fac­tors in pro­duc­tion. With our high-per­­for­­mance dis­sol­vers, we har­mo­ni­se the com­pon­ents. We dis­pen­se, disper­se, homo­ge­ni­se, mix, heat, cool and clean the com­pon­ents or pro­duct. That’s why our mixers and sys­tems in the cos­me­tics indus­try can also meet the dif­fe­rent needs, even across wide vis­co­si­ty ranges.
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Food indus­try

Por­ridge, sau­ces, ket­chup – mixing, stir­ring, hydrating, hea­ting, coo­ling and fer­men­ting are all done for the food industry.
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The spe­cial requi­re­ments for hygie­ne and exac­ting­ness in the pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses make the food indus­try a chal­len­ging one. Our mixing sys­tems with adjus­ta­ble para­me­ters are sui­ta­ble for all types of dry, moist and vis­cous foods. Given the multi­tu­de of pro­ces­sing tech­ni­ques, with our com­ple­te sys­tem tech­no­lo­gy, we can offer sui­ta­ble solu­ti­ons to meet the requi­re­ments of your pro­duc­tion pro­cess, even for the most dif­fi­cult of pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses. Whe­ther for de-agglo­­me­ra­­ti­on, build-up gra­nu­la­ti­on, vacu­um dry­ing or hydrogenation.
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Sam­ple applications:
Sau­ces, ket­chup, fats, milk pro­ducts, spi­ce mix­tures, baby food, des­serts, mues­li, honey, cocoa and cho­co­la­te, sugar, feed

Phar­maceu­ti­cals industry

Oint­ments, gra­nu­les, gels: Espe­ci­al­ly in the pro­ces­sing of the acti­ve ingre­di­ents, the stir­ring tech­no­lo­gy plays a decisi­ve role in ensu­ring the high qua­li­ty of the product.
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Sam­ple applications:
Pow­ders, gels, oint­ments, granules
In addi­ti­on to com­pli­ance with the spe­cial hygie­ne regu­la­ti­ons, pow­der pre­pa­ra­ti­on is a decisi­ve pro­cess step. Our Grie­ser pla­ne­ta­ry mixers uni­form­ly homo­ge­ni­se high­ly effec­ti­ve phar­maceu­ti­cal acti­ve ingre­di­ents with fil­ler mate­ri­al. We take qua­li­ty assu­rance mea­su­res to ensu­re the puri­ty, par­tic­le size dis­tri­bu­ti­on, sta­bi­li­ty and thus the desi­red heal­ing pro­per­ties of the final pro­duct as a phar­maceu­ti­cal pre­pa­ra­ti­on. Hydra­ti­on of inter­me­dia­te and final pro­ducts can be an addi­tio­nal requi­re­ment. Our cus­to­mers with phar­maceu­ti­cal sub­s­tances bene­fit from the spe­cial mixing and disper­si­on tech­no­lo­gy as well as our years of expe­ri­ence and com­pre­hen­si­ve know-how.
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Envi­ron­men­tal industry

Insu­la­ti­on mate­ri­als bring tog­e­ther envi­ron­men­tal com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty and living com­fort in per­fect harmony.
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We ensu­re with our mixers that various sub­s­tances can be reco­ver­ed and used as recy­cled mate­ri­als. From an eco­lo­gi­cal point of view, a life cycle-ori­en­­ted con­s­truc­tion method is desi­ra­ble: alre­a­dy used con­s­truc­tion ele­ments and mate­ri­als are reu­sed and incor­po­ra­ted in new regio­nal con­s­truc­tion pro­jects. Reu­se makes it pos­si­ble to save up to 60% of the ener­gy and the CO2 emis­si­ons. That’s why Grie­ser Maschi­nen­bau deve­lo­ps and opti­mi­ses machi­nes for plastic/polymer recycling.
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Sam­ple applications:
Insu­la­ti­on mate­ri­als, recy­cled insu­la­ti­on mate­ri­als, recy­cled buil­ding materials
Detailbild Produktion

And your industry?

Should you not see your indus­try lis­ted here – don’t worry!
Up to now we have always been able to sol­ve even the most com­pli­ca­ted of pro­blems with our leng­thy expe­ri­ence and solid know-how.

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